LWVWC Candidates’ Night 2024

Shisler Conference Center 1680 Madison Ave, Wooster, OH

Candidates Night 2024 Questions & Answers with candidates for: Wayne County Commissioner State Representative US Congressional Representative Judge for Appeals Court

“Humanizing Migration” Workshop

Westminster Presbyterian Church - Wooster 353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH

Event of Interest: Westminster Presbyterian Church of Wooster is hosting a workshop on “Humanizing Migration” on Saturday, October 19 from 9:30 am – 2:30 pm.  The event is described as “a day devoted to shifting perspectives and narratives around immigration issues.” You can RSVP for the event and get more information on the program and speakers […]

Safeguarding the Vote: Inside Ohio’s Post-Election Procedures for Secure Elections

Event of Interest:Join us for an insightful webinar where experts will break down the critical steps in Ohio's post-election process. Our distinguished panel will guide you through what happens after polls close on Election Day. We’ll cover key topics such as ballot tabulation, recounts, audits, and provisional voting. You’ll also learn how election results are […]

Deadline to Request Absentee Ballots

Wayne County Board of Elections 200 Vanover Street, Wooster, OH

The deadline to request absentee ballots is at the close of business (9:00 pm at the Wayne County Board of Elections), seven days before Election Day. You can learn about absentee ballots and download the form to request your ballot at https://www.ohiosos.gov/elections/voters/how-to-request-your-absentee-ballot. A link to the Wayne County Board of Elections is also provided below.

Last Day of Early Voting

Wayne County Board of Elections 200 Vanover Street, Wooster, OH

Sunday, November 3, 2024 is the last day of Early Voting. Polls are open from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. In Wayne County, Early Voting is at the Wayne County Board of Elections, the address for which is provided below. If you are outside Wayne County, you can find your Early Voting location by going […]

Postmark Deadline for Absentee Ballots

Wayne County Board of Elections 200 Vanover Street, Wooster, OH

Absentee Ballots for the November 5 election may be returned by mail or personally delivered to your county Board of Elections. If mailed, absentee ballots must be postmarked by November 4, 2024. If hand delivered, they must be received by received by your Board of Elections by 7:30 p.m. November 9, 2024 is the last […]

Election Day

Wayne County Board of Elections 200 Vanover Street, Wooster, OH

Go to VoteOhio.gov for details. You can verify your Election Day polling place by going to https://www.ohiosos.gov/elections/voters/toolkit/polling-location/.

Wayne County Candidate Academy

Wayne County Board of Elections 200 Vanover Street, Wooster, OH

The Wayne County Board of Elections is proud to present the Wayne County Candidate Academy, a one-hour program presenting information for potential candidates in Wayne County. Tuesday, January 14th – 7:00 PM Class will be held in the Metzler Room at the Board of Elections at 200 Vanover Street, Wooster, Ohio. Participation is free, but […]

Fair School Funding VS. Vouchers: Understanding the K-12 Funding Tug of War

Event of Interest:The next state budget is a moment of truth for Ohio: strong public schools and the common good, or further investments in religious education and private preferences. WE NEED YOU to participate in the next budget process when democratic principles and the health of public education are at stake. Come and learn some […]

From Locally to Nationally: Women Defend Democracy

Event of Interest:On Feb. 14, the League will be celebrating its 105th anniversary since its founding! Join us for a Birthday Virtual Rally “From Locally to Nationally: Women Defend Democracy”, to honor the work accomplished so far to empower voters and defend democracy, and lift up its commitment to center voters’ voices and make our […]

Nationwide Elections Legislation Round-up

Event of Interest:The US Constitution gives states broad authority to regulate elections, which makes for a country with a lot of different ways to run elections. What could that mean for Ohio's future? And how do we stack up against other states? Katy Owens Hubler, Project Manager with the National Council of State Legislators, will […]

Budget Basics: What citizens need to know about Ohio’s budget process

Event of Interest:When lawmakers show us their budget, they show us their priorities.  Governor DeWine will deliver his proposed budget to the General Assembly in the next few weeks, kicking off the months-long process that determines how Ohio's money will be spent over the next two years.  Learn how Ohio's budget process works, why it […]